Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Narayan Kaji Shrestha is embarking on a significant diplomatic journey to China, scheduled to begin this Sunday evening for a nine-day visit. Ahead of his departure, Shrestha has been engaged in consultations with senior officials from various ministries to discuss China-funded projects and explore potential new endeavors.
The focus of Shrestha’s meeting with his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, scheduled for Tuesday, will revolve around recalibrating Nepal-China relations within Kathmandu’s evolving political landscape. The discussions aim to address the implementation of past agreements, the exploration of new areas of cooperation, and the examination of the progress of ongoing projects funded by China.
Shrestha’s consultations with government officials have emphasized the importance of avoiding project duplication with other countries, such as India, and ensuring that new projects align with Nepal’s development priorities. These discussions underscore Nepal’s commitment to maximizing the benefits of its partnership with China while maintaining harmonious relationships with its neighboring countries.
The Chinese government has expressed enthusiasm for Shrestha’s visit, highlighting their desire to strengthen bilateral ties and explore new avenues for collaboration. Shrestha’s itinerary includes meetings with high-level dignitaries across China, spanning Beijing and other provinces, before his return to Kathmandu on April 1.
As Nepal continues to navigate its diplomatic relationships in the region, Shrestha’s visit to China represents a crucial opportunity to reinforce mutual cooperation and explore opportunities for sustainable development. The outcomes of these discussions will shape the trajectory of Nepal-China relations and contribute to the advancement of both countries’ strategic interests.